Photo of the Week Update

After much thought and considerable editing of my Photo of the Week Guidelines, I’ve updated the weekly feature for 2011.  Most notable is the fact that now ANYONE may participate in Photo of the Week!  No longer limited to just my (amazing) Etsy team mates, now any photographer (amateur and pro alike!) may join in the Photo of the Week Challenge!

I’ve redone the entire page in an effort to make it easier to find what you’re looking for.  I’ve also updated the minimum file requirements for submissions to account for the wider format I’ve adopted on my blog.  There are also a few helpful tips for new and returning participants.

Now I need to ask you all big favor – help me spread the word!  I want to let as many people as possible know that this is something anyone can participate in.  If you could just take a moment or two to leave a message on your blog, Facebook page, Twitter or where ever you hang out online, I’d really appreciate it.  I would love to see this feature grow.  The more people that become involved in Photo of the Week, the more potential sources of inspiration we can all have!

Head on over and check out the updates.  As always, I look forward to your submissions each week.

Have fun shooting!


  1. Lynda

    I'm linking up to this on my Be Inspired page. I'm new to this site, but love the past photo of the week entries!

    I'm curious why you take email submissions and don't use something like Flickr or Linky for submissions?

  2. Jessica

    Thanks for the link Lynda! Do you have a URL to post here so we can find it easily?

    I've thought about turning Photo of the Week into a feature participants could simply link to each week. I haven't done it though, because I honestly love the interaction I'm able to have with everyone in the emails. So far I've been able to manage the number of submissions easily. If the numbers become too large to handle I may have to revise my methods, but for now I'm pretty happy with the set up. Thanks for asking!

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