Photo of the Week #7

Welcome back to Photo of the Week! I am happy to say we are a big crowd again this week, full of lovely images to look at. I don’t know about the rest of you that have been participating, but I’m finding that having this recurring challenge has re-awakened my creativity. I am thinking about things I want to photograph more often, but beyond that I am thinking of new ways to see things! Even still, I find that my favorite images (like my Pink Dahlia this week) tend to be a bit of a surprise. I aim to get interesting photos when I’m out with my camera (as most photographers do!), but I love how I can still find those unexpected treasures when I sit down and sift through them all! Enjoy…

From Me:

“Pink Dahlia”
by Jessica Rogers

From Andrea:

“The Last Days”
by Andrea Despot

From Ellen:

“Rain On My Screen”
by Ellen

From Laura:

by Laura Evans

From Tali:

“Orange Composite”
by Tali Schiffer

From Tracy:

by Tracy Milchick

From Rhonda:

“Peace Baby”
by Rhonda Bracaloni

From Sue:

“Step Right Up”
by Susan Knights

From Cat:

“Western Auto”
by Cat Ludwig

From Liz:

“Good for the Soul”
by Liz

A huge thanks to everyone that participated this week! I truly look forward to seeing what everyone sends in each week, so keep them coming!!

If you’d like to participate in the Photo of the Week challenge I’d love to have you along. Just read this to find out what the guidelines are and how to submit your photo. This is a weekly post, with the deadline being every Tuesday at midnight Pacific Time.  If you miss a deadline, go ahead and submit your photo and it will go in for the following week early!

Have a great time shooting!


  1. Cat Ludwig Studio

    Thanks again Jessica for all your work:) I love the surprise of seeing what everyone will submit. They are all wonderful. HeyHarriet the Kookaburra is so soft and sweet!

  2. Jessica

    Thank you Helen. :)

    And thank you all for checking it out and participating – if it weren't for all of you, this would just be one huge shameless self-promotion and no one likes a braggart! ;)

    Keep up the GREAT work everyone!

  3. Hey Harriet

    Wow! Amazing work by everyone! This was fun to be part of! Thanks so much Jessica for running this series. Looking forward to the next one!

    PS – The 'Peace Baby' birdie made me giggle. How cute he is! :D

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