Photo of the Week #20.2

This is the last Photo of the Week that will be limited to submissions from just my Etsy team mates.  Next week will mark the start of this feature being open to anyone who would like to participate.  (For more details on this, read my last post)  While I still love seeing what my wonderful team mates come up with each week, I’m really excited to see what non-Etsians will do with Photo of the Week.  I’ve already gotten a couple of early submission for next week and if they are any indication, it’s gonna be great!

Until then, please enjoy our latest work:

From Me:
by Jessica Rogers Photography
From RA:

Candles At The Notre Dame
by Random Abstracts

From Fred:

Snowman On My Window
by Fred Laurent

From Anika:

Santana Palm
by Anika Toro

From Charlene:

by Charlene McCoy

From Elizabeth:

The Egg
by Elizabeth T. Schoch

From Marisa:

Through the Viewfinder
by Marisa Kestel

From Alia:

Lava in Life
by Alia Fernandez

From Steve:

Long Shadows
by Steve Raley


Thanks so much to everyone that participated this week!
If you’ve been thinking of taking on the challenge of Photo of the Week, why not start now?  I’d love to have you join in!  Read the guidelines to find out how to submit your photo for next week.  Then be sure to grab a badge for your blog or website to tell all your online friends about it!
Have fun shooting!


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