Wow, the second year of Photo of the Week is at an end. I can hardly believe another year with this project is wrapping up! My journey with this project has been an extraordinary one this year and I can’t wait to share with you some of my experiences. Next week I’ll be posting a special POTW Year in Review in place of the regular feature before starting in on Year 3. I’ll share a recap of all the images I’ve produced for this project in the second year as well as things I’ve learned along the way. But I’m getting ahead of myself – there is another lovely collection of images for you to enjoy this week! So, without further ado…
Please enjoy our latest images:

by Carolyn Younger

by Sue Templin

by Cristofor

by Steve Raley
Thanks so much to all of you that participated this week and to everyone that participated during this past year! You’ve all played a big part in keeping my own creative momentum going.
Don’t forget to check in here next week for a special POTW Year in Review! And the following week we’ll be starting Year 3 of Photo of the Week, so spread the word – everyone is welcome to join in. If you’ve been thinking about participating, now is the perfect time to jump on board. Read the guidelines to find out how to submit your photo for the next POTW.
Until next time, have fun shooting!