I’m just thrilled to hear how this weekly feature is inspiring you and giving your creativity a breath of fresh air! Most weeks I get at least one participant (if not more than one!) letting me know how being a regular part of Photo of the Week has helped them in one way or another. I’d love to hear even more about what Photo of the Week has done for you. Let me know about your inspiring moments and even your challenges in the comments at the end!
Please enjoy our latest images:

by 4otomo

by Anika Toro

by Steve Raley

by Cristofor
Thanks so much to everyone that participated this week!
Everyone is welcome to join in the Photo of the Week Challenge. If you’ve decided to join in, simply read the guidelines to find out how to submit your photo for next time and get on it! I can’t wait to see what you submit.
Until next time, have fun shooting!
THANK YOU for offering this collection for us to participate in! I know it is a lot of work. And I really do enjoy it!
Great work…lots of variety this round! Thanks Jessica!