Exploring the Ordinary #12

We finally got our Christmas decorations out and our tree up this week! I know, I know – we’re little more than a week away from Christmas by now, but better late than never right? I was staring at the beautifully lit tree in the dark before going to bed and soaked in all the shining decorations. I figured that using an ornament would be perfect for my Exploring the Ordinary this week. Even though we don’t use ornaments every day of the year, I decided to make an exception this week since I was feeling particularly festive. Be sure to vote for your favorite at the end.

Ornament 1

Ornament 2

Ornament 3

Ornament 4

Ornament 5

Ornament 6

Ornament 7

Ornament 8

Ornament 9

Ornament 10

Don’t forget to vote for your favorite!

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Happy Holidays everyone!

One comment

  1. Pam of Always Artistic

    Beautiful images! I was quite late this year, I usually set mine up Nov 21st or so, but it was well into December this year! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Happy New Year!

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