Etsy Treasures: Blue and Silver

I’ve decided to start sharing an Etsy Treasury with you once a week here on my blog.  What is an Etsy Treasury you say?  I’ll tell you!  A treasury is a collection of 16 various items one can find on  (With literally hundreds of thousands of items to choose from the possibilities are almost endless!)  But it’s not a random collection – each treasury is curated by an Etsy member.

To make the selection process a bit easier I’ll be narrowing my search for items that fit particular themes.  And to help me make a list of thematic ideas, I’ve asked all my online friends to help build up this list.  One of the first ideas given was for uncommon holiday colors and I liked the idea so much I just couldn’t wait to turn it into a treasury. (Originally I was planning on making this a regular Monday post, so maybe another will come along on by then. We’ll see!)

Here is this week’s collection of Etsy treasures based on the search words “blue, white, silver”.  I rather like how this one turned out, so I may have to do more uncommon holiday colors for the rest of the season!

Be sure to visit the treasury if anything catches your eye – all the items will link directly to the actual listing in the shops they came from.

If you’ve got suggestions for other treasury theme ideas, be sure to leave me a comment!

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