Photo of the Week #21.2

This week starts a new chapter in Photo of the Week as I have opened it up to anyone that would like to participate.  A very warm welcome goes out to our newcomers and a big thanks to everyone for helping to spread the word.

Please enjoy our latest work:

From Me:
Sea Fig
by Jessica Rogers Photography

From Jennifer:
Icy Shimmer
by Jennifer Lashley

From Cara:
Backlit Beauty
by Cara Harrison

From RA:
Psychedelic Butterfly
by Random Abstracts

From Pam:
by Pam Hardy

From Danijela:
by Mädchen für alles, Danijela
From Alia:
by Alia Fernandez

From Elizabeth:
Genuine Essence
by Elizabeth T. Schoch

From Steve:
January Flood
by Steve Raley
Thank you so much to everyone that participated this week.  Keep spreading the word that anyone can participate in Photo of the Week now and let’s see how big we can make it!
If you’d like to join in Photo of the Week, read the guidelines and submit your photo for next week.  Then be sure to grab a badge for your blog or website to let all your friends know about it!
Have fun shooting!


  1. T @ Poppy Place

    Jessica, these are some really lovely images.

    Now, if it would stop raining long enough for me to go out and take a photo or 2 I might be able to participate next week, fingers crossed.

    Have a lovely weekend, T :)

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