Photo of the Week #19.2

Here we are with the first Photo of the Week for 2011 and it’s a wonderful collection of images once again.  I just love seeing what everyone comes up with each week!


From Me:
By A Thread
by Jessica Rogers Photography

From RA:
Forest No. 1
by Random Abstracts
From Alia:
by Alia Fernandez

From Anika:
by Anika Toro

From Charlene:
The Orchids
by Charlene McCoy

From Beth:
Exquisite Cut Plug
by Elizabeth Schoch

From Steve:
Frozen Balloons
by Steve Raley

From Sue:
December’s Magic
by Sue Templin
Thanks so much to everyone that participated this week!
There will be an announcement next week sometime regarding some minor updates/changes I’ll be making to Photo of the Week, so stay tuned!
If you’d like to join in Photo of the Week, I’d love to have you along!  Simply read the guidelines to find out how to submit your photo for next week.  Be sure to grab a badge for your blog to help spread the word!
Have fun shooting!


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