Photo of the Week #13.2

For my American followers, I hope you are all recovering well from Turkey Day (a.k.a. Thanksgiving).  I’m fully on the road to recovery, but blame the lateness of this post on the wonderful Thanksgiving we had.  It was just too hard to get back to my responsibilities right away.

I hope you enjoy our latest works:

From Me:
Blue Shutter
by Jessica Rogers Photography

From Dana:
Lonely in Fall
by Dana Nedelea

From Marisa:
Lichen and a Leaf
by Marisa Kestel

From Elizabeth:
by Elizabeth T. Schoch

From Teresa:
by Teresa Chipperfield

From Jennifer:
Touching the Pacific
by Jennifer Henriksen (a.k.a. HolgaJen)

From Charlene:
by Charlene McCoy Photography

From Anika:
by Anika Toro
Thanks for participating everyone!
If you’d like to join in Photo of the Week, I’d love to have you along.  Read the guidelines to find out how to submit your photo.
If you haven’t yet, grab a Photo of the Week Badge for your blog.  I’ve got one for participants AND followers!
Have fun shooting!


  1. T @ Poppy Place

    Hi Jessica, I am loving the texture and contrast in your piece. :)

    They are all so different but vivid reminders that our planet has infinite material for our little camera.

    Thanks for doing this. Cheers, T. :)

  2. Jessica

    Thanks so much Teresa. I spent a fair amount of time playing with that one and I'm please with how it came out. :)

    It's true that the possibilities for subject material are endless – the challenge is for us to only see them!

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